Meeting materials from the December 2019 Milwaukee Mental Health Task Force meeting: Note: We do our best to ensure that the materials MHTF produces are accessible, but we are not always able to verify accessibility for all materials provided to us … [Continue reading] about 12-10-19 meeting materials
Save the Date: 2020 Milwaukee County Executive Forum
County government plays an important role in overseeing mental health services, transportation, and many other services that are important to people with disabilities. Save the date for a Milwaukee County Executive Candidate Forum scheduled for … [Continue reading] about Save the Date: 2020 Milwaukee County Executive Forum
Karen Avery Forum materials
Materials from the November 2019 Karen Avery Forum: Note: We do our best to ensure that the materials MHTF produces are accessible, but we are not always able to verify accessibility for all materials provided to us prior to posting. If you are … [Continue reading] about Karen Avery Forum materials
Annual SOX ROX and Time of the Month Club Collection Drive

The Milwaukee Mental Health Task Force Annual SOX ROX and Time of the Month Club Collection Drive: Benefiting People who are Homeless Please bring your donations to: MHTF meeting on December 10, 2019 IndependenceFirst, 540 S. 1st, 3 – 5 … [Continue reading] about Annual SOX ROX and Time of the Month Club Collection Drive
MHTF Testimony on the 2020 Milwaukee County Budget
The Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors is concluding their work on the 2020 Milwaukee County Budget and will vote to adopt the budget on November 12th. Milwaukee County and the funding provided by the County Budget is a critical part of the … [Continue reading] about MHTF Testimony on the 2020 Milwaukee County Budget